Saturday, February 6, 2010

John Densmores knowledge of music

This guy made me laugh so hard!
The video is from "Classic Albums- The Doors"

I know this is kind of music dorky, but there is no E#, there is F! Because E and F are only half step away, there are E chords and F chords!

Waltz in 4/4 ?!?!?!?!?!?!
For anybody: how do we count the waltz?!
It's simple:1 2 3, 1 2 3(one, two, three ; one, two, three etc)

The point is that they made history with no music knowledge!

Life is short so laugh at what's funny!

Friday, February 5, 2010

JVP live on Berklee Internet Radio Network

My first show at the BIRN!

Christopher Coleman is THE SICKEST DRUMMER I'VE EVER SEEN!!!

Christopher Coleman is my new favorite drummer.
There are no words to say.
Check the video and let me know if i'm right.

Life is short so laugh at what's funny!

JVP live on Berklee Internet Radio Network

Every Saturday morning from 8 a.m (Boston -5:00 GMT) I'm going to be live on the air at the BIRN. What show? "This is now:Early morning edition".
You can check out the BIRN and if you click on "BIRN 1" in the channels list up on the page you can start listening to the Berklee Internet Radio Network.

The show is a morning show, with news about upcoming events, campus announcements, music reviews(albums,concerts) and great morning music.

Tune in every Saturday morning from 8 a.m (Boston -5:00 GMT).

Life is short so laugh at what's funny!